Sixth release of this Italian one-man band! Atmospheric pagan black metal in generally, but now they extended their sounds and limits, creating cinematic rock metal opera in a concept album, about the life of Julius Caesar.

Epic, sumptuous, captivating, fascinating, furious, but atmospheric and shamanic metal from Ancient Rome!

11 Epic tracks of Italic Roman metal, sung in Italian and Archaic Latin.
Guest appearances among others: tenor voice by Christian Bartolacci (Ibridoma, Scala Mercalli), ambient fx by Shelmerdine (Dark Awake), epic celtic choirs by M (The True Endless, Skoll), soprano femalo voices by Aeretica (Amethista).

Available as limited digipack edition!

Limited box-edition to 100 copies, including the album in digipack format, some gifts among them a board game! (That’s happened maybe for the first time in history of music, to include a board game in a musical album!)


Ivlia Gens (intro)/Svpremvs Dvx
De Bello Gallico
Britannia Capta Erit/Alea Iacta Est
Aegyptvs (Tema Di Cleopatra)
Caesar (Tema Di Cesare)
Romana Conspiratio (Tema Di Bruto)
Divini Praesagii (Romanorvm Deorvm)
Le Idi Di Marzo (The Ides Of March)
Ivlivs Caesar (Divvs Et Mythvs)

Caesar (Roma Vol. I)

Release Date : 12-04-2017
Artist : Hesperia
Genre : Black Metal
Catalog ref. : SR-0188
Format : CD